What is a HOME Group?

At Cedar Creek, we believe faith is a team sport. God created us to live in community. Because this is His design, we provide large group worship gatherings and small HOME Groups to build relationships, learn, cultivate friendships, and grow together.

Our groups are core to who we are. They are the primary means by which we as a church take the next steps in our collective and individual journeys back to God. In group is where we find care, connection, encouragement, and prompting never to stop seeking our next step.

A typical group meeting is 90 minutes. They involve spending time together, unpacking God's word, and praying. Don't panic! You don't need to know all the answers or how to do those things to get plugged in.

We believe in the importance of community so much that we want to take whatever steps possible to make connecting easier for you. If you scroll down, you will see that one of the ways we do this is by providing some financial aid supplement for child-care while attending group. It is our prayer that this step allows you a chance to connect in a way that promotes openness and transparency without fear or distraction. Please utilize this resource and work with your group to determine how to handle child-care for your group's needs responsibly.

Join a HOME Group

HOME Groups meet on different days of the week and at different locations. Search by campus, day of the week, and time of day below to find a group for you.

Already in a Home Group?

Our Adult Ministry Directors

Kevin Taylor

Ridge Campus
Campus Pastor

Rick Lee

Banks Mill Campus Adult Ministry Director

HOME Group Childcare Reimbursement Form

Fill out the form below.